Stutterheim is situated at the foot of the Eastern slopes of the Kologha Mountains, a spur of the Amatola Range, in the area of the Eastern Cape formerly called British Kaffraria.
Xhosa groups moved ...
... the base of Mt. Thomas and the name of the valley in which the dam was eventually built. Gubu is a Xhosa name for "drum" - a drum made of skin and beaten by the ancient Xhosa healers and witchdoctors ...
... the races.
Stutterheim has a tense history, as it was one of the flashpoints during the 100 years of the Cape Frontier Wars, when the Xhosa nation fought Britain for this beautiful tract of land at the ...
... this area is estimated to be 3000 old.
6) The great Xhosa chief Sandile who fought in the Frontier Wars was killed during the ninth war and lies buried at the foot of Mount Kemp. 7) Reverend Döhne, ...
... Thrush. For those fascinated by history and culture, there is also a community museum which traces the forced removals and land restitution and Xhosa lessons can be given to those who are interested.
T ...
... Stutterheim on the N6. The name Kologha is derived from Xolo: the Xhosa word for peace. In the original it was Xolora – a place of or people of peace. For us, it is God’s peace!
Forestway offers a uniqu ...
... interested in Xhosa traditions and culture can be introduced to the history, dance and traditional ceremonies by members of the local community and the two resident sangomas.
Visit Eagles Ridge Country ...