
Cyrtanthus huttonii flowers escape routeCyrtanthus is a genus of perennial, herbaceous and bulbous plants in the family Amaryllidaceae, There are over 60 recognized species, all native to central and southern Africa.

This genus contains many exceptionally beautiful species. The best known is the scarlet form of Cyrtanthus elatus, commonly known as the George lily, originally from the southern Cape and now grown world-wide for its cut flowers.

Members of the Cytanthus family are endemic to the southern and eastern parts of Africa and is represented in all nine provinces of South Africa, with the highest concentration of species occurring in the southern parts of Eastern Cape.

Flowering in August - Watsonia

Watsonia amatolae flowering in AugustWatsonias are semi-hardy and evergreen. The plants have tall spikes with trumpet shaped flowers ranging in colour from white, pink, orange and mauve. These colourful displays last for up to 5 weeks.
Watsonia is a genus of plants in the iris family and is native to South Africa. There are approximately 52 species of watsonias in South Africa. Watsonias are named after British botanist Sir William Watson.

Watsonias can be grown by seed or propagated by dividing their corms. They enjoy full sun, need well drained soil and are easy to grow. They flower from early spring to summer.
Hybrids have been successfully cultivated in New Zealand, California and Australia. These hybrids do very well on the cut flower market.

Aloe Arborescens

Aloe arborescens on Monte Vumba escape route floraAloe arborescens has many synonyms including krans aloe, candelabra aloe and tree aloe. This indigenous plant is well known for its healing qualities. It is great for giving gardens a splash of colour during the dull winter months.

Aloe arborescens is an evergreen succulent plant with sliver green leaves. They require full sun and can tolerate light frost. The krantz aloe is adapted to many habitats. It is one of the few aloes that can be found growing at sea level right up to the tops of mountains. But it is usually found in mountainous areas where it favours exposed ridges and rocky outcrops.

River Lily

Hesperantha coccinnea scarlet river lily - FebThe river lily grows from bulbs and flowers between September and December. A long solid stalk arises from the main plant and the bell-shaped flowers umbellate from it. There are normally 5 flowers which are radially arranged around the top of the stalk. The flowers can range from white to dark pink and have a delicate fragrance. Crinum Macowenii produce large amounts of nectar for their pollinators; sometimes non pollinating insects such as ants may "steal" the nectar.