Stutterheim Farmers', Craft and Art Market
By Denise Noot
"The Reporter" 23 September 2016
Early in September, I teamed up with Lynnae Daniel, a former resident of Elliot, and hired a stall at the Stutterheim Market.
It is not difficult for a place or event to create an online presona that is a disapointment when encountered face to face. The Stutterheim Market is no such disappointment!
Firstly it is held at Eagles Ridge, a rambling property that overlooks the forests and hills surrounding the town. The garden benefits from both the moisture of a mist belt and the moderate temperatures of coastal lowland. Delicious monsters grow side-by-side with proteas and geraniums.
The grounds have been designed to cater to for a range of activities, including a restaurant, pony riding and the quarterly market.
The indoor area adjacent to the restaurant, is a riot of colour. Even when the place is empty, it seems as if a party is going on.
The artistic touch of the owner, Hester Steyn is everywhere. It can be seen in the huge expanse of mosiacs, the decorated walls and the etched stairway.
There is a large permanent tent outside, making it an ideal venue for a market.
Hester started the market to share this amazing place with others, to showcase local talent and to create a forum for the community to meet - "outside of church", she said.
The products of offer and the stallholders are as colourful and varied as the venue.
Lynnae, who is an established craftswoman, had a range of scrapbooking accessories on offer. This is a sideline hobby which she does to relaxafter working at homeschooling 2 teenage boys on a farm outside town.
Lisa, of Casa castile, our closest neighbour, was at once a brilliant salesperson and an indomitable shopper. She arrived looking like an eskimo but kept changing outfits, being constantly tempted by her closest neighbour, the clothing stall.
Lisa is the only person I have met that has purchased goods at a market on lay-bye! Presumably she paid them off as she made sales.
She is a qualified aromatherapist who sells a range of organic soaps, creams and balms. The stall was well laid out and her personality was a constant drawcard.
A cheerful team of hockey players took turns in manning the pancake stall to raise funds for their club. they were sold out long before closing time.
At the opposite end of the indoor area, was a cake and coffee stall which was a great comfort in the cool weather. It probably would be a great comfort in any weather!
Peas-on-earth had a stall with bottled preserves and organic fresh produce that looked like they were just bursting with vitamins and minerals.