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Total: 5 results found.

Other services

Created on 20 June 2016. Posted in judedesign

... and/or business stationary this can be done as part of your website package or as an individual job. Adverts and Brochures As with the logo design all adverts and brochures need to share elements of ...

more about websites

Created on 20 June 2016. Posted in judedesign

... more. Websites need to be advertised as much as possible. Any other advertising and marketing done should incorporate your website, reciprocal links are also great and internet listings (many are free) ...

"South Africa's top Green Hotels"

Created on 13 August 2015. Posted in In the press

... a tree during their stay at Kololo. Contact:, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +27 (0) 14 721 0920 Mashovhela Lodge, Makhado This lodge was uniquely built on an abandoned settlement and all ...

"Flyfishing in the Eastern Cape Highlands"

Created on 13 August 2015. Posted in In the press

...  It wasn’t long before the bushes had shredded his Checkers packet and he’d abandoned the contents. The local bushpigs, finding that lot, probably thought Nasa’s fresh produce delivery module had crashed ...

Stationary Engine Museum

Created on 29 September 2014. Posted in Activities

... roots in the past and our identity in the present. These are also the things we choose to preserve for future generations” The restoration, operation and maintenance of the engines is done by a group ...