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more about websites

Created on 20 June 2016. Posted in judedesign

... to increase the traffic through your website. Websites need to be submitted to the search engines for them to show up on Google, Yahoo etc. Once your website is submitted and accepted to the website ...

"Once upon a forest – Stutterheim in the Eastern Cape"

Created on 13 August 2015. Posted in In the press

... courses, interpretive forest walks and canoeing. 043 683 2046 Website Hillside Horses for outrides in the forest. 084 467 5668 The Stutterheim Stationary Engine Museum boasts 140 engines in its collection, ...

12 Amazing Facts about Amahlathi

Created on 19 May 2015. Posted in Stories of the area

... e received a knighthood in 1910. 10) The Stutterheim Engine Museum has the largest collection of stationery engines in working order in the Southern Hemisphere. 11) Cata Community Museum is the only  ...

Stationary Engine Museum

Created on 29 September 2014. Posted in Activities

... most comprehensive collection of restored stationary engines, all in mint running condition, in the world. The oldest gem is a Mietz & Weitz engine dating back to 1905. Forgotten names like Ruston Hornsby, ...